a musical instrument is one of the most wonderful activities any kids can do. It can bring about advantages such as helping to develop motor
skills, creativity and patience. Experts believe, that although there's no age for playing musical instruments, children are better at learning than adults. So, I think that a good option is encourage kids to make their own musical instruments. Why? you may wonder... Because they can shape it in the way they decide and make really but... REALLY unique.
flute is a wind instrument. Its sound is produced when the player blows air
across an opening in the mouthpiece. The flute is easy to carry and light, so every child can have one in his/her backpack.
1st step
Get a plastic tube, not to wider nor too narrow.
2nd step
Use a hammer and nails to make the different holes.
3rd step
Make a hole in the upper part of the tube, separated from the rest row of holes.
4th step
Be sure the end of the tube is not sharp, so that kids would not hurts their moutsh while blowing.
Important! If the edges are sharp, just put scotch tape around and protect the area.