Friday, August 3, 2012

Argentinian Empanadas


One of the typical meals we have in Argentina, are the EMPANADAS. They are usually made of chopped beef and sauce but this time, I'll explain to you how to make chicken ones.

Ready? Go!

1) Heat olive oil  with some chopped onions in a skilett  for some minutes until the onions give away all the water.
2) Add some salt, pepper and oregano.
3) Then, add the sliced pieces of chicken and cook until the meat is done. 
4) Again, you may add some spices and aromatic herbs.
5) Add two chopped boiled eggs.
5) Finally, add some creamy cheese and stir gently.

Once the pastry is ready, fill in the empanadas doughs and that's it! Put them into the oven for about 10-15 minute, for the dough to bake. Remember! the pastry is already cooked.


  1. Nice blog, my dear unknown female!

    Not too many posts to comment since children are my far away possibility nowadays. I enjoy a lot all the things you add to the blog.

    Con las empanadas el territorio cambia: Soy de descendencia Celta pero la vida me puso en el camino y hace mucho viajo por esos rutas del mundo. Por casualidad encontré Argentina y me he quedado en ella. Adoro la comida y la gente, con el tema de traducción e interpretación he paseado (y paseo) por todo el país, mostrándolo al turismo y disfrutándolo yo.

    Respecto a las empanadas de carne de Salta, esas que cuando las muerdes la salsa corre por tu mano y brazo hasta gotear desde el codo, esas, no tienen igual. A veces lamento no poder lamerme el codo como hago con los dedos! :)

    Gracias por leer mis cuentos, significa mucho para mí. El español lo he aprendido a los golpes por lo que es muy probable encuentres errores, trata de disimularlos! :)

    Saludos desde Ushuaia... It is cold but it is worth to be here!! Tschüs!!!

    1. Hey !! thanks a lot for your comment! Your english is really good as well as your spanish ;). Again thanks for sharing your experience with us. And as regards empanadas from Ssalta, they ar delicious! They contain that kind of sauce you've mentioned. I wish i could eat one of those right now! lol
      regards =)
