Friday, July 6, 2012

The so delicious "dulce de leche"


In almost every country, there's some traditional dish or meal everybody loves. In this case, we can say, that "dulce de leche" is very popular not only among adults but also among children of any age. "Dulde de leche" is a traditional sweet creamy substance,  containing milk, sugar, and other nutrients, which serves as marmalade. This cream is usually spread with a knife over loaves of bread or cookies.
Although it may be too sweet at times, this treasury cream is present in almost everything kids eat in Argentina. Some cookies which are on market, are already filled up with this cream. There's even an icrecream flavour called "dulce de leche"!!!
Most kids love diving their spoons into the jars, and getting a fullspoon of "dulce de leche" ready to be tasted.
If you happen to find "dulce de leche" where you live, don't hesitate to buy it. You'll never forget the tasty flavour it has! You can ask kids for advice! =)

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